Will training martial arts/kung fu make my child a bully or become more violent?
No, we have a strict anti-bullying policy and we strive to have the student's understand how training makes them more skilled than their peers. We like to view our program as a stress relieving tool for students, similar to a pressure relief valve, where one has the ability to punch and kick to let out the built up tension they may have.
Our Anti-Bullying Policy is simple - 3 strikes and you are out - If we hear of a student bullying the first time we have a sit-down talk with them, the second time, we talk to the parents and the student, if we hear of a third time, the student is immediately dismissed.
Our Anti-Bullying Policy is simple - 3 strikes and you are out - If we hear of a student bullying the first time we have a sit-down talk with them, the second time, we talk to the parents and the student, if we hear of a third time, the student is immediately dismissed.
Will training martial arts improve my child's behavior?
Yes, martial arts require a high level of discipline and respect. The best thing about martial arts is we can present these concepts in class, act out different scenarios where we need to make good choices and reinforce practicing those good choices during class. As mentioned in the previous question, our classes are great at relieving stress and if the student loves to kick and punch, we are a great outlet for those actions in a controlled environment.
Does one's focus and concentration improve with martial arts training?
Yes, the student has a very large volume of information in the different kinds of kicks, punches, forms and reflex training. Learning how to punch requires a great deal of focus, because it requires the body and the mind. It takes the body much longer to "learn"/perform a specific action than the brain, so increased focus is a natural by-product of performing physical activity with a specific intent.
What is ranking / belt ceremony?
Ranking or a belt ceremony is a test session that is used to ensure the students can perform the skills necessary to receive their next belt or patch for which they are testing. If the student passes, they go to the next belt (go up in rank). After the students have tested, we have a little party for them and their families celebrating the students' advancement.
Is there a club I have to join or a significant price increase after an introductory period to earn a black belt?
No, we believe everybody earns their black belt through hard work, not by joining a special club.
Do I have to buy a uniform and if so how many?
It's optional - Our school uniform is our school T-shirt and active bottoms - Pants/shorts. The school T-shirt is a quality shirt, with the class logo to which the student belongs.
You can find our T-Shirts on Amazon! Click this line!
You can find our T-Shirts on Amazon! Click this line!
Do we have partner drills?
Yes - We do have partner drills only after the student is ready -this is at a minimum after a Tiger Kids student earns their green sash. No - Future Tiger Kids do not have partner drills.
Yes - we do have partner drills for Wing Chun of varying levels of intensity, but the student’s participation happens when they are ready.
All drills are controlled, so students can understand and reproduce what was learned and practiced.
All students have to have the proper gear on to do the drill.
We have a specific Code of Conduct for Partner Drills - to ensure the exercises are performed in a respectful and safe manner.
Yes - we do have partner drills for Wing Chun of varying levels of intensity, but the student’s participation happens when they are ready.
All drills are controlled, so students can understand and reproduce what was learned and practiced.
All students have to have the proper gear on to do the drill.
We have a specific Code of Conduct for Partner Drills - to ensure the exercises are performed in a respectful and safe manner.
Do student have to go to competitions?
No - we are a non-compete school. If a student wants us to coach them to competition level, it would be on an individual basis.
Do you teach Mysticism, Buddhism or Taoism with the Kung Fu?
No - We believe Kung Fu can be practiced by individuals of all faiths. We teach basic cultural awareness, but we spend our time just learning the Kung Fu... It's enough to keep one busy for many years.
Do you have a main school? If not, why?
No - This is done on purpose reach more communities and to keep tuition affordable for more people.
Our philosophy is the school is in the heart and mind of the instructor and students not the building where they happen to be when teaching.
Our philosophy is the school is in the heart and mind of the instructor and students not the building where they happen to be when teaching.
What is Wing Chun and who is Bruce Lee?
Wing Chun - is a kind of Kung Fu, that is believed to be originated in Southern China. Popularized in Hong Kong, it is said that Wing Chun is the most practiced kind of Kung Fu outside of Tai Chi. Wing Chun focuses on efficiency of movement, close range fighting and using redirection and sensitivity rather than strength. It was brought to the public mainly through a famous Teacher - Ip Man. His most famous student was Bruce Lee, who was a very popular TV and movie actor in the late 1960's.
I have seen your invoice via PayPal, I'm a couple days late - Will I be sent to collections?
No, we do all of our invoicing through PayPal.
According to the updated Tuition Policies this year, if you are making months payments it must be in by the 10th of the month or you will be accessed a late fee.
If the tuition and late fee are not paid by the end of that month, we will not permit the student into the class until it is paid. For more details please see the current year's School Handbook.
According to the updated Tuition Policies this year, if you are making months payments it must be in by the 10th of the month or you will be accessed a late fee.
If the tuition and late fee are not paid by the end of that month, we will not permit the student into the class until it is paid. For more details please see the current year's School Handbook.